Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Saturday, 22 June 2013

Quilting ADD

The Nine Patch is smoking along:  the top is pieced and the borders are added.  I decided to go with a matching block in each corner. Once it is quilted and the seam lines are no longer obvious, what your eye will see is just that small square in each corner.  I like that effect.
The final step in sewing is to stitch around the outside of the quilt 1/8" away from the edge, in the seam allowance.  This secures the patchwork at the seam ends and keeps the quilt edges from "ruffling" when basted.
After a good starching and pressing (if you have taken a workshop with me, you have the starch recipe) the quilt will be ready for basting. I heartily dislike basting. :(  I procrastinate as long as I can. Fortunately, I love to machine quilt so that's incentive to get through the necessary basting step.

On the way to fetch the cornstarch, I spotted these leftover red and white fabrics beckoning seductively from the cutting table.  I confess to a weakness for red and white quilts at the best of times, but this gorgeous red Stof has me totally distracted.  (I'm even in love with the cool selvedge with the little roses.)
Isn't it just singing, "Oh, Canada"? :)


  1. A red and white Irish chain? You work so fast that you can have it done in time for Canada Day...
    Clever idea with the corners.

  2. Looks like a baby quilt to me - is there a baby boy in your future??

  3. Love the effect of that corner! Well, if you started now you could have a project done in time for Canada still have just over a week, that's plenty of time.......
