Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Thursday 9 December 2021

Christmas Tree Stands

Do you hold on to things that may just come in handy someday? My container of empty Aurifil thread spools is testament to the fact that I do.  I have orange, red, green and grey ones...but mostly orange because that's the colour of the 50 weight spool I use most often.

Rummaging through my stash of Christmas fabrics, I found quite a few small green pieces. The brain said they would make a great forest of small evergreens.  But I wanted a standing forest, not one that sits in a bowl, or hangs on a tree.  In the past I have made small stuffed trees with dowels inserted in the middle; hubby would fashion a base from a piece of wood.  Using Aurifil spools with the end cap in place makes them perfect as a stand!

To make the trees, you will need 6 small squares of fabric (2 for each tree) of whatever size you want your trees.
7 empty large Aurifil spools
Small amount of Fibrefil stuffing
Small star sequin or buttons
Ribbon for 3 bows
Sewing thread

Draw out a pattern for your trees.  My smallest is 4-1/2" across the base, and 4-1/2" measured up from the centre of this baseline.  The medium tree is 6-1/2" wide and 5-1/2" tall, and the largest tree is 5-1/4" wide x 7-1/2" tall. 

Cut two pieces the same size for each tree and sew them right sides together around the outside, leaving a small opening on the bottom edge for turning. Clip corners, and turn to right side through opening.

Remove end caps from 4 of the dowels.  For 2 trees, simply glue one spool section on top of the spool/cap using a hot melt glue gun.  A wrap of sturdy tape works well also. 

The tallest tree has two plain spool parts glued to the top of the spool/cap.

Poke a little fibrefill into the tips of the triangles and then put the spool in all the way to the top.   Poke in fibrefill around the spool and pin the opening; stitch opening closed with hand stitches.  

Tie a bow around the base of each tree, and stitch a small star sequin or button to the top.

That's all there is to it!  (and they're really cute).