Sew Karen-ly Created...

If you have arrived here via a link (such as to a tutorial) click on "Sew Karen-ly Created" to return to the latest blog post. I invite you to my website to see a gallery of quilts and patterns available for purchase.
Comments are always appreciated, simply click the word "comments" at the end of each post to leave your message. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday 20 January 2020

New Aurifil Thread Checkout

It took some doing...but my Canadian Aurifil thread store has been inventoried and re-organized to make the ordering process run more smoothly.  The threads are all separated into categories which you can choose from the links along the left side.

This is a big step forward;  the site will make it easier on this end to track inventory and add MORE THREAD in the coming months.  Already, there are 73 colours in stock in the 50 weight spools from which to choose, and plans for that to grow.  From Amherst, Nova Scotia, we are happy to deliver across Canada via Canada Post Expedited, or regionally on Maritime Bus.  If you are a local, you can order from the website and select "pickup" to save shipping charges.  Mrs Pugsley's Emporium in downtown Amherst generously allows me to drop thread orders there;  just email me if you need to arrange a time outside of shop hours.
For the month of January, I am offering free shipping on orders within Canada over $150. before taxes.  Just enter code  FREE150 at the checkout. 
You can bookmark this link,  , or access it through my website.
Thanks for looking, and for your continued support!

Monday 13 January 2020

Quilting Withdrawal...

Yikes...13 days into the new year, and I have no quilt on the go!  It seems so odd to walk into a quiet and tidy sewing room.  The Bernina looks so forlorn :(

This does not mean that I have been idle, in fact it's the very opposite.  I have been working steadily at updating the checkout section of my thread website. If any of you do your own site, then you know how long this takes:  forever and a day.  Thankfully, I think I have it whittled down now to just "forever", so progress is being made.  It's tedious work, and I know if I start a quilt, I will not be able to leave it alone.  I am a finisher when it comes to sewing.  I am hoping to have all the computer work done in another week or so, and then I will dig out my boxes of silk for a new church banner.  I haven't even allowed myself to see what's in my silk stash. My hands have not been idle, either.  My great-niece Taylor came on the weekend, and we had a great time making clothes for her American doll, Lucy.  Hubby even got talked into cobbling matching sandals for her summer outfit!
 Lucy left snuggled in her new winter coat and scarf, which she sure needed for our current weather.
And when I need a break from the screen, my hands are kept busy knitting.  I am on the foot of one sock, and about half-way finished a slouchy toque.
For some reason I don't have the need to finish every knitting project I start, so I expect once the website is updated, the knitting will languish until next Christmas!