Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Tuesday 31 January 2012

Around Lori's Table

I guess technically the title of the post should read, "Around Lori's Daughter's Table", but that's a bit awkward to say. This beautiful set was made by Lori-Lynn Slack of Alberta as a gift for her daughter. I had a chuckle when Lori told me she stood on a step-ladder to take the picture, as I have done the same thing myself. Great minds think alike, Lori!
The deep, rich colours will look spectacular on the table. If you would like to make your own version of Around The Table, the pattern is available on my website. Please leave your comments below; thanks for sharing your beautiful work, Lori!


  1. It DOES look fabulous!! And it will look fabulous on my table! :) I'm thrilled and excited!

  2. Oh wow - it's gorgeous! I really like the white fabric in there. You have a lucky daughter.

  3. This is so pretty !! I love the dark colors and the way the white (light) color makes it look like it is swirling around. I think Lori did a wonderful job on this and has inspired me to try it for my daughter too :))

  4. Wow. So bright & cheery looking!!!!
