Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Visions of Quilt Plums...

Did you ever see a completely finished quilt flash before your eyes...right down to the border design...sewn from fabrics you happen to have tucked away in your stash? It does happen. I couldn't get to my sewing room fast enough yesterday.
Trust me on the colours - they all least in my head.


  1. I am sure they work..........cause you said so.......LOL. NO.......actually I can see them working. AND ....No...I have never had visions of a quilt and found all the fabric in my stash.....nope.....I always have to go to Dayle's. :))

  2. WOW, your mind obviously works differently than mine!! Can't wait to see your finished quilt!!

  3. I love the color plum. I can never envision colors in a quilt beforehand. That's why I do alot of scrap color quilts. Also I rarely make scrap quilts from my stash. I go buy scrappy looking colors, and audition them to death before buying.

  4. I can't wait to see the end product. I know the colors will work because they are colors I have used in my living room area. Although I do not have any light blue colored items. I know I'll be dreaming of replicating the quilt! I especially love the wine and beige together.
