Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Friday, 26 March 2010

There was GSR on my BSR...

You will only get that very clever (!) title if you are a fan of murder mysteries or crime shows, and sew on a Bernina. Any hands up in the air besides mine? No? Well, in layman terms...I quilted today, and it was s-m-o-k-i-n'... What fun!


  1. That's too funny.

    An Agatha Christie fan

  2. Good for you Karen- pedal to the metal!! How do you like the BSR?
    Love your post title- you are so clever!

  3. I'm glad to see you are working on more inspiration for me!!! I'll be machine quilting my beauty in a few weeks. I knew what the bsr was, but didn't get the connection to the gsr until I read your blog. You are Good!

  4. Hi, Linda: I like the BSR very much - it's a no brainer to use. I am having a lot of fun getting acquainted with the different snap-on feet for it as well.
