Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Monday, 18 February 2013

Lenten Antependium

Yesterday was the first Sunday in Lent, and the new antependium for the occasion was dedicated in church.  Unfortunately I was not able to attend as we were delivering youngest back to university; classes resume there today after a 3 week strike by the professors...Thank heavens the nasty weather waited until we were safely home before it began;  it's a real mess outside today and all schools and businesses are closed. (I am hoping classes are on at X though! :) )
Normally I take photographs when I deliver the pieces to the church, however Friday the sanctuary was busy with wedding preparations so I was unable to take pictures.  I will share this quick shot from an early fitting.
The colour for Lent is purple, and this parament is comprised of four traditional Crown And Thorn blocks with a cross emerging from the plain squares.  It is pieced from cotton and silk.
It has a thin layer of wool batting;  concentric circles are free motion quilted around the cross with swirls in each block.


  1. It looks beautiful hanging there.The congregation must be so pleased

  2. It was nice that the weather held off until your return. The piece for lent is lovely.

  3. Lovely ..... as usual!! Stay safe and warm! Lori

  4. This is fabulous Karen. It must make your heart sing seeing it being used this way.

  5. Absolutely beautiful. It looks lovely in the sanctuary.
    Happy to hear classes are resumed at X, and you got your offspring delivered safely.

  6. So simple and yet so stricking, well done, Karen.
    Of course, purple is my fav. colour!

  7. It is very striking, the contrast between the colours of the church and the purple banner makes it really glow! Wow.....we can't begin to imagine what your weather must be like, we have never lived in those conditions. It's difficult for us to imagine!

  8. Karen, your antependia are always so beautiful, but I think this one is my favorite. You are so creative and inspiring. I'd be interested in knowing if you put a label on the back, and if so, what you write on it. Do you explain about the crown of thorns blocks? Do the congregation members "get" it, or do they just appreciate the beauty of the patchwork? You give me something to aspire to. Thank you for sharing.

  9. That is absolutely gorgeous ... You are such a n inspiration!
    Anytime to want to venture further with your trunk show/workshop we would love to have you in this end!

  10. Karen thanks for inspiring me!! I'm using EQ7 right now to design one for my front door!! I'm not sure mine will be as scarppy as yours.
