Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Wednesday 14 November 2012


A note about comments...thank you to the visitor from Scotland who left  a note yesterday mentioning the similar names in our homelands.  Some will not realize that "Nova Scotia" is latin for New Scotland, and attests to the origins of many of our early settlers.  In French it's a bit more obvious: Nouvelle Écosse.  Some of my ancestors came from Paisley, Scotland and set up housekeeping here. 

Still on the topic of comments...I had long resisted putting word verification CAPTCHAs on the comment form as frankly, they frustrate the heck out of me when I have to figure them out on other sites. However, the spam comments piled up and up, sometimes as many as 60 /day and I finally gave in.   After a couple of complaints I took it off yesterday to try it out and immediately the spam started again.  I apologize, but the word verification is going back on.  If it's difficult for you, kindly email your thoughts and comments. 

The bees are busy getting their houses in order for the winter.  The mild weather has provided them relief from staying inside and they are out enjoying the sunshine.  There are not many blooms around for them to feed on (still some dandelions) so hubby has added feeders.  The tan coloured box on top of the hive on the right in this picture shows the feeder.  Basically it is a trough with a wire cage at one end.  Sugar syrup goes in the trough and trickles through the mesh where the bees can access it.  The mesh keeps the bees from getting into the bath of syrup and drowning.
You can see them crowding around to enjoy a sweet treat.  They are able to convert the sugar syrup into honey which they will eat during the long winter ahead.
When we remove the top covers to the hives, there are always lots of ladybugs who have gathered to find shelter.  They are separated from the bees so there is no interaction, they've just found a nice winter home in the hive lid.  Everyone needs a place to set up housekeeping.


  1. Hi Karen - I share your frustration with the CAPTCHA thingys but unfortunately they are a necessary evil. Yours is less obnoxious than a lot I have dealt with!! Thanks for the "bee" update! Lori

  2. I am still wavering about this very annoying "prove-your-not-a-robot" thing; but, so far my email is dumping it all in my spam folder. How interresting about those lady bugs.

  3. Wow - ladybugs and bees together, I never knew that! I understand about the word verification, spam has been a problem for many bloggers and if that helps then that's what you do.

  4. Enjoyed hearing about your bees again. What I don't understand about the word verification is that some words are readable and others are not. I've encountered an addition puzzle to prove you are not a robot. Not sure how to get this but it is a lot less aggravating that having to type 3 times because I obvious cannot decipher some letters. The numbers game asks you the total of 2 numbers. Have you seen that one.? No matter what, I'll still follow you.!

  5. Love the ladybugs. That was the theme of this year's Grammie Camp. We don't see too many ladybugs, but when we do have one, everyone is thrilled. We did paint rocks as ladybugs. We put them all around the gardens. My little granddaughter Aurora said "You know Grammie, ladybugs are good for gardens". tee hee.

  6. Hello! I have just " bumped " in to your blog and read that your ancestors came from Paisley.I was married in Paisley to a Paisley Buddy, as locals are known.He is a sea captain and knows and likes the Eastern Seaboard of Canada very much. So, greetings from Scotland!! ( wherever you go in the world, you meet a Scot !)
