Roundabout Again design in the Belle Provence fabric is finished, and I am really pleased with how it turned out. Here you see it pictured with Staffordshire "Blue Willow" china, and a delft blue and white mustard jar my Mom brought back from Holland a few years back.

Finishing at 50" long, it is a perfect size for our round table when the leaf is added.

Saturday was great weather for a drive, so I headed to Alumni Gardens at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Truro, N.S. It's a beautiful spot and I love going there.

My Mom came along to help with the shoot.

There was a wedding set to take place that afternoon in the garden and folks were decorating the gazebo. You can see some red streamers on the railing here.

The piece features a striped bias binding, which I just love. Because it is an even stripe, it is possible to match up the line in the joins almost invisibly when the binding is made in a continuous fashion. We will be doing it this way in the
Fibre Arts Festival workshop.

The high-thread count cotton backing I used presented a few issues but nothing insurmountable. In the end, I changed the needle three times throughout the quilting. There was an obvious, audible "plunk plunk" when the needles started to dull, my clue to switch them out for a fresh one. The quilting for the most part was simply free hand, although I did mark the three motifs running down the middle to keep them somewhat regular.

In between the points, I did a continuous loop around the insides and then back across the bottom.

You can see it here from the back. It was quick and easy to do, as well as forming an attractive pattern, so I will certainly add that one to my bag of tricks.

The pattern is available online from
my website, or ask your local quilt shop to order it in.