Thanks for all the emails enquiring as to my whereabouts. I didn't fall off the ends of the earth (although hubby was a bit concerned I might topple off my dangerous shoes when we visited the very end of the province.) The days pass like whirlwinds; this is the longest break I've had from blogging since I started in 2007, so there's lots of catching up to do! The highlight of the past couple of weeks was undoubtedly the
Exposition Couvertes Piquees at Sacre Coeur church in Saulnierville, Nova Scotia. The church is ENORMOUS.

I've been wanting to attend this show for several years; trust me, it was well worth the beautiful - but long - drive.

We were warmly greeted by friends
Joan and Elaine, both members of La Guilde Acadienne de Clare. I have new appreciation for the journey they undertake each year to attend our Fibre Arts Festival.

Simone kindly escorted us up to the balcony so we could have an overview of the show. Spectacular! The light walls and many windows in this expansive space are a perfect venue to show off the colourful quilts. It was a wonderful sight; pure candy for a quilter's eye.

There was a feeling of awe looking out on the sanctuary.

Though the Guilde is fairly young, the quilting tradition in Clare is not and the needle workers are very accomplished.

One of my very favourites was this one, designed and made by Jeannette Comeau of Meteghan River. The ruched flowers are exquisite.

These are some of
Joan's lovely quilts, this first a Kim Diehl design.

"Meadowsong" from our workshop a couple of years' back.

This stunner is made by Simone Cooper.

Another of Simone's, with beautiful hand quilting.

Elaine did this "cathedral windows" style... well as this very pretty yellow and blue quilt.

Gaile Smith is another member of this Guilde who travels up to Fibre Arts Festival. Gaile had several lovely pieces in the show:

I loved these colourful spools done by Alice Oikle. What a great way to use up bits and pieces.

This appliquéd quilt entitled Roses and Ivy by Elise Saulnier reminds me of one my Gram made me for a wedding present many years ago.

Lots of hours went into this Postage Stamp quilt by Marguerite Melanson.

Claudette Dugas made a very pretty sailboat quilt alternating the pieced blocks with a lively dolphin print.

Regrettably I did not note the name of the maker of this very pretty sunflower runner.

One of my favourites was this Stained Glass coverlet made by Lennie Romain. There is a cathedral windows quilt on my bucket list, and I really like how the colours shine in this one and the blocks are just the right size to please my eye. Had this one not already been sold, it would have made its way home with me.

As you make your way back to the entrance, these three quilts greet you from the balcony. In all there were just under 200 quilts beautifully displayed.

This show is one of the best I've attended in terms of workmanship, variety, and display. It's going back on the calendar for next year.