Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Wednesday 20 June 2012

Live, From New York It's...

Stitch Star!
Readers of this blog will recall I made a quilt using Plume fabrics from Timeless Treasures. I spotted the fabrics in Halifax one day and fell in love.
I had no design in mind when I purchased them but once I sketched the quilt out on the computer I realized I needed another colour. When I Googled to find the fabric, I discovered that there was a contest connected with this collection. I didn't pay much attention at the time as I was not interested in a competition - I was making this quilt for me. However, when I got it finished I liked it so much that I filled out the application form and sent off the required 8x10 prints to Timeless Treasures. I did not give it another thought; the quilt has been hanging in my livingroom for the past few weeks while I cleared a spot in my work room for it to hang. Imagine my shock when I answered the phone at suppertime last evening to hear Hayden from Timeless Treasures telling me that the quilt has been selected as one of 15 finalists!!! It was truly an OMG moment, as they had tons of entries from all around the world.

Since I didn't pay much attention (ok, any attention...) to the contest rules, I am unsure as to whether I can show the quilt at this time. I think there was mention of a travelling exhibit, but I don't recall if that is just for the 3 winning quilts or all the semi-finalists. All I know is that I need to find a box to mail it off to Broadway in New York, New York (even that sounds cool!) Oh, and the name I chose for this piece is "Ostentation". Not only is that a great name for such a showy quilt, it's also the name for a group of peacocks. Wish me luck!


  1. Wow.....congratulations! Fingers crossed for the next step.

  2. Ooooh, BIG CONGRATS!!! That's wonderful Karen! Best of luck to you!

  3. Ooooh, BIG CONGRATS!!! That's wonderful Karen! Best of luck to you!

  4. Congratulations! A wonderful surprise and most deserving!

  5. Congratulations Karen - well deserved!! Good luck with the next step and keep us posted. I am anxious to see the whole quilt after seeing the "teasers"!


  6. Congratulations Karen! How wonderful. Those fabrics are amazing, I was drooling over them at the fabric store. I am sure that your design will be a winner. Good luck!

  7. Congratulations Karen!! Is this going to be a new pattern?

  8. Can hardly wait to see the whole quilt! Congratulations!!

  9. Congratulations to you! What an honor and I'll keep my fingers crossed for a blue ribbon. It's beautiful -- what we can see of it!!
