Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Thursday 16 May 2013

Has Your Validity Permed?

Last week in a shop I spotted these bottles of Singer oil:
I was immediately drawn to them for their nostalgic appearance:  they look like they belong in a Featherweight case...and what a bargain for $2.95.
Maybe :)
When I got them home I was rather amused to read the label, copied exactly here, including spelling:
Purpose Of The Product: Protect and lubricate sewing machines, door hinges, bycicles, motors and appliances in general.
Caution:  To hold the children and animals out of range.  In case of ingestion to take contact with the medical services.
Cares With the Environment:  Never throw on the public way, in the rivers, lakes and oceans.  Never reuse the empty packing.
Validity perms if the product is kept in cool and dry place.
I don't think I will be oiling my Bernina with this product...


  1. Don't throw it on the public way, either! (I just picture you out on the street, squirting your oil around.)
