Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Tuesday 8 August 2017

A Fussy Beauty

I love seeing email with a paperclip icon arrive from Joanne Colleaux of Armstrong, B.C., as she always sends something special.  This time is no exception.
Awhile back, Joanne saw this fussy cut version of Maritime Beauty I had made from Hoffman batik snowflakes.
My original piece looked like this one below: fussy cutting the snowflakes certainly brought it to life!
Joanne decided to do the same, but with my Beauty of Christmas pattern. This pattern was written having the curved seams appliqued instead of pieced.
 Here's how Joanne's turned out - a far cry from the original!
 I *love* the warm coffee/mocha colours of the fabrics she has chosen, and the subtle arrangement of lights and darks, both in the spikes and the background wedges under the spikes. The arcs were foundation-pieced by machine, but the rest of the sewing was done by hand, Joanne's preferred method to ensure perfect placement of the motifs. ("fussy" indeed *-)
 Joanne writes, "I used gold thread for quilting within the batik motifs, which brightened them up considerably; just following the shapes seemed to be the only reasonable way for me to quilt within them...I am definitely pleased with the outcome"
 What a clever (and brave) way she has added her label, penned directly on the quilt back.
Thanks so much for sharing these pictures, Joanne - fabulous work as always.  You can see more of Joanne's magic at these links: