Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Monday 11 April 2016

Clutch Purse

Sometimes quilters are called upon to use their superpowers for other sewing a small clutch purse to match an outfit.  This one took almost twice as long as it would have to piece a king-sized quilt...and in the end, I'm not sure I even like it.  But it's a good size .  I used fabrics from Hoffman's "Clarabelle" collection, which I found at Mrs Pugsley's Emporium.  I also found the canvas and heavy-weight interfacing there that I needed to use for the base of the bag.
The pattern is a design by Amy Butler, and available as a free download on the Better Homes and Gardens website:


  1. It is very pretty! Quite stylish! Are you getting an outfit ready for a special occasion? Thanks for sharing the link! XO

  2. I love that fabric. Why don't I have any, I wonder?
    Blue Calla Patterns is a Canadian designer, with some free clutch patterns on her site, in case you feel inspired again.
    I know what you mean about the time it takes. I have been working for 3 weeks on the same small bag.

  3. What a sweet little bag! Love it! I took a peek at the instructions and yes, a bit fussy. I will be checking out everything at Mrs. P's on Friday. Can't wait!

  4. Very pretty! I'm glad you're using your super powers for good.
