Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Monday 8 February 2021

February Snow

 Nova Scotia had a dusting of snow overnight (we understand between 30-45+ cm, but no official word on how much our area received. We know Polly was greeted with a nice wall of snow at the back door.

Here are the steps from the bottom.

With Polly's guidance we made short work of clearing the drive.

Luckily, we have no need to be in the backyard for anything other than to make snow angels. (Polly does not like doing those.)


  1. A young man if my acquaintance decided to move from your neighbourhood, to Northern Alberta. He doesn't have to shovel as much, but the high yesterday was -34°. Not a trade that I would make.

  2. That's a lot of snow, and to have to shovel to even get out your door. A friend has a son in B.C> and his home is 3 levels, often the snow is up over level #1. He built it himself with the snow falls in mind.

  3. Oh looks so fluffy, like a big marshmallow!

  4. Oh yuk, I hate that much snow. Hope you are all shoveled out. We are getting a little today, less than 6" which is fine with me.
