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Monday 7 October 2024

New Pattern Release: At The Cove

This year as part of the 2024 Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Feestival, I have an exhibit entited “Quilts And Their Stories” at Mrs Pugsley’s Emporium. One of the stores I will be sharing is about a runner, “At The Cove.” Last fall I was contacted by author Barbara Emodi who was engaged in writing her latest novel when she was struck by a rather unique notion. This book, the 4th in the Gasper’s Cove mystery series, was to include her characters attending a series of workshops on a retreat weekend, where she has them make, among other things, a quilted table runner. She considered it might be fun if there was an actual pattern available in real life that could reference what the (imaginary) quilters were making, and wondered if I might have such a pattern. I didn’t…but I do now!

Barbara lives in Nova Scotia, and is a sewer with a great many books under her belt. The Gasper’s Cove Mystery books are published by C&T Publishing and have a wide readership. To say they are a fun read is an understatement; who doesn’t like a good “who dunnit”, especially when the main character is a sewer, and a Maritimer.

Having read the previous books in the series, I was happy to take on this delightful project. The parameters were that it be a simple runner, suitable for a beginner with not too much quilting or fuss, and one that might be finished up in a day. “At The Cove” features tiny appliquéd sailboats bobbing on the gentle whitecaps, and whales playfully waving their tails above the water. And of course, I photographed the runner on a beach, in a cove, in beautiful Five Islands, N.S.
The pattern is not included in the book, it is sold separately. The book Crafting A Getaway will be released on October 25, and the pattern will début at this year’s
Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival in Amherst. The runner will be on display during my exhibit Oct. 17 & 18 from 10-4, in the Clock Tower Building at 50 ictoria St E., Amherst, N.S. and the patterns will be available at my booth Saturday Oct 19 at the Zonta Fibre Arts Bazaar. You can ask for the book at your local quilt shop, or order it directly from my website.