Sew Karen-ly Created...

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Thursday 8 January 2015

Mea Culpa

Late last September, I taught a class in beginner free motion quilting at Mrs Pugsley's Emporium. Shortly thereafter, I received a picture from Gail Baker of Sackville showing off her completed class sample.  I didn't post it right away because I wanted to include a picture of  something Gail gave me at the workshop, and set it aside for the next day.  The next day came and went, and then the next...and then there was Fibre Arts Festival,,,and then there was catch-up...and book edits...and Christmas and...well, it just never got done.  My sincerest apologies, Gail.
So, FINALLY, here is Gail's lovely work.  She did a particularly nice job on the centre section which is really quite tiny.
And here's what Gail gifted me with in class.  Can you believe this??  Yes, it's toilet paper, upon which Gail has embroidered!  I've never seen anything like this before.  My all-male household has been warned within an inch of their lives not to use this!!
Gail has a sticker on the bottom which gives a website address, and I see she takes custom orders for these.  You can check it out here.
Thank you Gail for sending along the picture...and for being so patient with me!


  1. What lovely quilting! Embroidered toilet I've heard of many unusual things, but that takes the cake.

  2. What a good teacher you must be; and what a good student Gail must be.

  3. That is a lovely piece. Well done Gail. Karen, you are a good teacher you know
